Website: https://cancerinstitutewia.in/CI-WIA/
The Cancer Institute, also known as the Adyar Cancer Institute, is a non-profit cancer treatment and research centre based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Cancer Institute (WIA) is the first medical school in India to offer degrees in various sub-specialities of oncology
Patient Services:
Vizhuppuram Cancer Education And Screening Center -2014
An organized screening, early detection and prevention program for cancers of the cervix, breast and oral cavity for women in VillupuramTaluk (Women population, 30-64 age group: n=1,04,040). As a prevention model for future, 3-dose HPV vaccination protocol will be administered to girls aged 13-18 in the families that participated in the program. Informed consent from participants (from parents in case of minor girls) along with necessary documentation of various particulars are mandatory. An independent cancer registration service in and around Villupuram district will also be integrated with the program for unbiased evaluation of the success of the program. A local office for field operations will be set up in proximity to the study area to oversee and implement the field activities. This includes execution, supervision and maintenance of log of field activities and periodic reporting to the central unit.
The Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai, will be the central unit responsible for training of personnel on all aspects of the program and handling all referrals for appropriate management.
Tirunelveli Cancer Prevention Center
There are 11 taluks under Tirunelveli district. The estimated target population for cervical and breast cancer screening would be approximately 4,17,000 and estimated adult male smokers to be screened for oral cancer would be 4,00,000. The program is being carried out by the NGO UdhavumUllangalunder the guidance of Cancer Institute by a team trained at the Department of Preventive Oncology. The program is ongoing with as many as 10000 women benefactors so far.
Chengelpet Cancer Screening Program
SreeRenga Hospital, Chengelpet, as part of their healthy living initiatives toprevent NCDs has set up a Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Centrefor common cancers including cervical, breast and oral cancers.The Centre will be in collaboration with the Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai (StateApex Centre for Tamilnadu) in all cancer related activities. A team of Gynecologist and Health workers/Nurses will be trained at theDepartment of Preventive Oncology, Cancer Institute (WIA) on awarenesscreation, counselling of subjects, basic screening procedures and managementof pre cancers for above mentioned cancers. The Cancer Institute (WIA) willundertake refresher training and continued guidance in the screening and awareness program.
Awareness programs:
Awareness programs on prevention and early detection of cancers by invitation through schools, colleges, Self Help Groups, clubs like Lions, Rotary etc. and NGOs across Chennai and other districts in Tamil Nadu.
Awareness is also imparted during every screening program on signs and symptoms of common cancers, need for regular screening, Breast Self-Examination, screening procedures etc on one to one basis and through Audio-Visual aids.
Screening through Visual examination of oral cavity, Visual tests (VIA/VILI) and or cytology for cervix and Clinical Breast Examination are offered at the screening clinic/camp. Screened positive subjects are referred to the Screening OPD at Cancer Institute for further evaluation.
Screening and Colposcopy Clinic
Breast and cervical cancer screening and appropriate follow up of asymptomatic women above 30 years of age is provided at the Institute twice a week.
All tobacco users are offered counseling on registration during survey, at the screening camp/clinic and referred to Tobacco Cessation Center at the Institute.
Clinical Services offered at the outpatient clinic
Cancer screening services – Breast
Clinical Breast Examination for all women
Mammogram and Ultrasound breast as required
Breast Self-Examination Demonstration
Cancer Screening Services – Uterine cervix
Pap Smear for all married women
Treatment for pre-invasive cancers – Cryo, Leep, Cone biopsy, etc.
HPV DNA Testing:
The test to detect HPV DNA is approved as a primary screening tool for and along with Pap-smear has an improved outcome. The Cancer Institute is one of the few centers which offer this special test.
Evaluation of Postmenopausal bleeding
Tumour markers for ovary and prostate cancer:
CA-125 and PSA respectively as and when indicated
Counseling and comprehensive psychological intervention is given to cancer patients before and after treatment. In addition, many students from different colleges with backgrounds in psychology or social work visit the cancer institute on a regular basis to do their internship as part of their curriculum. These interns are given a wide clinical exposure in the field of psycho-oncology.
In addition to this, there are four support groups conducts meetings regularly at the Cancer Institute, namely:
‘SMILE’ for children with cancer and their families,
‘Sakhi’ for breast cancer patients,
Laryngectomees Welfare Association for the larynx cancer patients.
Tobacco Free Association for the nicotine addicts.
Group counseling and psycho-educational programs are the part of the support group meetings. These meetings are conducted in a monthly basis.
Mailing Address
Cancer Institute (WIA),
Sardar Patel Road, Adyar,
Chennai – 600 020
Phone: 044 22209150