The range of care provided is organised into a number of patient-centred clinics, which includes:
Radiation Therapy
- Radiation treatment or radiotherapy is the use of precisely calculated doses of high energy X-rays to treat parts of the body where there is cancer. It is generally a pain-free treatment and external radiation therapy does not cause you to be radioactive.
- Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to destroy rapidly growing cancer cells. Some kinds of chemotherapy may slow the growth of cancer cells, and keep them from spreading to other parts of the body. It may be used with radiation to help shrink the tumour before surgery. It may also be used after surgery or radiation to destroy remnant cancer cells. At the centre, chemotherapy is given as an outpatient procedure at our specialised treatment areas, managed by a team of oncology trained nurses who provide close monitoring.
- The Department of Surgical Oncology, which is an integral part of the comprehensive cancer care and research at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital offers collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach to cancer care which is designed to integrate seamlessly with medical and/or radiation oncology. Our surgeons meet regularly at tumor board to review challenging cases and reach a consensus on treatment strategies, offering the most personalized care and standardized evidence based management protocol.
Surgeons performing cancer surgeries are highly experienced, skilled with some of the world’s most advanced technology and innovative surgical techniques. Many surgical procedures performed at Kokilaben Hospital are done using minimally invasive techniques, including robotic-assisted surgery, laparoscopic, video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and transoral laser surgery. For patients, this can mean less pain, fewer complications, faster healing times, early discharge from hospital and better outcomes.
In addition, our surgical oncologists are world-renowned cancer researchers. The results of their work are cited by peers nationally and internationally and have helped advance surgical procedures and technology worldwide.
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)
- Blood or bone marrow transplant (BMT) is an established, important therapy for malignant as well as non-malignant disorders of the bone marrow. BMT is performed for patients with acute leukemias, multiple myeloma, lumphomas and others.
Pain And Palliative Care
- Patients with cancer get high quality treatment for cancer and excellent supportive care in the form of palliative care services. Efforts are made to ensure that the patients get good pain relief, good symptom management in keeping with the best international standards of care. On account of its infrastructure, specialists and policies that ensure optimum care for preventing and treating suffering The European Society of medical oncology has recognized Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Centre as a “Designated centre of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care”. Find out more about the Department of Pain and Palliative Care.
The centre is supported by a Day Care Chemotherapy Unit that allows patients to go home the same day while under treatment. Besides, we offer cutting edge services like.
- Minimal Access Surgery and Robotic Surgery for most cancers
- Trilogy for radiotherapy, EdgeTM and Novalis Tx for radiosugery
- Latest PET Scan for precise diagnosis
The centre has sub-specialists proficient in dealing with cancers of
- Head & Neck
- Lung and Oesophagus (Food Pipe)
- Stomach and Colon (Large Intestine)
- Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreas
- Kidney, Bladder and Prostate
- Gynaecological Tumours
- Blood Cancer & Lymphomas
- Paediatric Cancers
- Breast Cancer
Contact Info
- Toll Free Number: 1800 3000 3333
- Centre for Cancer: +91 (22) 4269 6788
- For Enquiry Visit: https://www.kokilabenhospital.com/contacts/enquires.html
Mailing address:
Rao Saheb Achutrao Patwardhan Marg,
Four Bunglows,
Andheri (W)
Mumbai – 400053