Website: https://www.gcriindia.org/
Here is the link of : Govt. Schemes
Over more than fifty years, The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute has been leading the fight against the menace of cancer with ultra modern treatment arsenal, advanced research, preventive care and intense community awareness.
GCRI is equipped with the latest diagnostic and interventional equipment to achieve good quality patient care. The institute has ultra-modern 4 modular operation theatres, 15 new operation theatres along with minor operation theatres equipped with state of the art gadgets required for all the types of major and minor surgeries for cancer patients. The institute has a dedicated bone marrow transplantation unit as a part of medical oncology with experienced medical and paramedical team, clean room type environment and individual laminar bed for patients for post procedure care and management. The IVTC unit is equipped with various flexible fibre-optic video endoscopes for upper GI and lower GI workup. The radio-diagnosis unit has spiral CT scan, 3T MRI, PET scan, and Digital Mammography with tomosynthesis and sterotactic biopsy facility. In near future Digital Radiography machine will be installed. Radiotherapy department of GCRI is fully equipped with two 6MV Elekta linear accelerators and one dual energy high end elute linear accelerator, one Varian 6MV linear accelerator, one cobalt machine, one contact therapy machine, one high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy unit, one microselectron high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy unit, one Varion simulator machine and one Siemens CT simulator machine with facilities for two dimensional conformal radiotherapy (2DCRT), intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), VMAT, IGRT, stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) and stereotactic radio-surgery (SRS), Cyberknife, Tomotherapy, High end dual energy linear accelerator, HDR Cobalt to Brachytherapy unit and Latest model of CT Stimulator. In addition, the institute has most recent technologies in pathology laboratory for cancer diagnosis. The department of laboratory medicine is accredited by NABL (ISO-15189, 2012) that ensures total quality management in laboratory.
Following Medical Services are available at The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute:
Clinical Trial
Community Oncology
Gynecological Oncology
Medical & Pediatric Oncology
Nuclear Medicine
Nursing Services
Palliative Medicine
Onco Pathology
Radiation Oncology
Radio Diagnosis
Surgical Oncology
Transfusion Medicine ( Blood Bank )
Mailing Address:
The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute
Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa,
Ahmedabad-380 016.
Gujarat, INDIA
Phone :+91-79- 2268 8000 (Hunting)
Fax : +91-79-2268 5490
E-mail : director@gcriindia.org